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What do you buy in bulk?

By bigglassesgirl | October 17, 2007

Came across yet another vintage clothing site with yet another different spin.  Like those bulk posts on ebay, Sugar Sugar Vintage sells clothing in small lots, combining pieces by style and era.  Must say, they do a heck of a lot better with showing what the items actually look like than anything you’d find on ebay.  The prices also seem quite reasonable for the quantity you’re getting, and if you look in their gallery of sold items you see more than a few designer collections. 

So what do you think - would you buy in bulk?  If you were buying for only yourself, would you be eager to purchase a bundle that had some items you were iffy on but also contained a couple glorious gems? 


Definitely, I would go for these ’kitsch’ lots on the site, if only they were still available.  Patterns and posters and patches oh my!

Topics: a vintage conversation |

One Response to “What do you buy in bulk?”

  1. WendyB Says:
    October 17th, 2007 at 9:26 pm

    I’m not much of a bulk buyer. Don’t like having stuff around that I can’t used. I get overwhelmed by the extra things!
